About Us
Company Introduction唱店

TwinSolution was established in Shangha見門i China in March of 2006. 司討Through decades devoted to 下見 semiconductor test tec冷見hnology,TwinSolution has beco影我me a leading provider of semicond但筆uctor tes亮冷tinterface, wafer probe card 對吧and turnkey test solution to s人長upport customers in the 費麗 automotive,兵銀consumer, communications, computing, o動票ptical display, and industrial 得兵segments.

Think Big Think Smart

TwinSolution has bec火校ome a leading provider個錢 of semiconductor testinterface, w要公afer probe card and 船樹 turnkey test solution 通年to support customers in the automoti慢風ve,consumer, communications, computing務音, optica又林l display, and industrial segmen綠嗎ts.

We will endeavor to become a leading影子 supplier and reliab刀討le strategic partner in the glo服舊bal semiconductor光報 testing field, and provid拿中e win-win products and services to 區劇our customers.

Our Brilliant History

Throughout our company's hi空鐘story, we have mainta這輛ined a relentless purs快老uit of innovation

TwinSolution Technology 到農Founded
TwinSocket Trade Mark Register 1st 窗器Twin Product Shipped
Twin USA office and Taiwan Office校街 Opened Employee Sha船刀reholding Firm(Hou-Ji)Formed
Huo-Ju Venture Invested Ot醫吧ter Investment Invested TwinSolution的的 Technology Co., Ltd. F月吃ounded
Twinsolution USA Founde兵鄉d Wafer Test BU Established
AccoTEST Partnership Invested 月的Equipment BU Establishe什愛d
TwinSolution receives g金唱rowing industry recognition
Public Welfare and Charity
Implementation Projects
Cumulative Donation Amount (¥)
No. of Beneficiaries
Quality Policy
Quality Management Certifi為用cate
ISO 9001 Quality Manageme近愛nt Certificate
Industry Insight
Contact Us

Pre-sales / General Contac影水t:CSR@twinsolution.com


After-Sales Service:FAE@twinsolution.著算com

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