China Semiconductor Professiona話麗l Provider of
IC Test Interface Products and Solutio司你ns
Ambition and Loftiness, Truth and Inn她花ovation
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About TwinSolution Group
TwinSolution was est購購ablished in Shanghai China in Mar內技ch of 2006. Through decades dev件科oted to semiconductor test 湖他technology,TwinSolution has become是林 a leading provider of semicon司紅ductor testinterface, wafer很玩 probe card and turnkey test sol廠子ution to support customers in the aut通房omotive,consumer, communications, 話數computing, optical display, and indust他很rial segments.
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Application Area
  • 5G AREA
    5G AREA
    5G AREA
    5G (the fifth generation mobile c麗月ommunication technology) is no懂街 longer the future technology. The短內 progress of semiconductor techn門鐘ology is making it come true. We deploy錯呢 5G in multiple fields with a comp算多rehensive portfolio of semic鐘地onductor solutions. Welcome to le知視arn how TwinSolution’s ext門制ensive semiconductor technology 船是can help enterprises g麗麗rasp the new era of co小鐵nnectivity.
  • IOT
    IOT chips refer to integrated c還懂ircuit chips used in IoT devi子年ces. The IOT chip is mainly used t拍樂o connect IoT devices and cloud s村得ervers, including sensors, actuato低購rs, communication module行爸s and so on. IOT chips have lo河訊wer power consumption and 科音smaller dimensions. The IOT chip is on議門e of the core devices of the Internet o年多f Things, with a wide range of app些對lications, including smart hom玩匠es, smart healthcare, i上金ntelligent transportation, inte快刀lligent manufacturing, and so on. The 術計development prospect就舞s of IOT chips are also very broad,視不 and the market size wil購一l continue to grow in the future西一.
Our Advantages
  • 17+
    Since 2006
    Good Reputation for Nearly 20-Years近飛 Dedicated Development
  • 600+
    Customer Servings
    Nearly 600 Customers Worldwide
  • 50+
    Patents and Honors
    Promoting innovation upgra信店ding and continuously creating value坐事 for the entire industry
Industry Insight
How did Nvidia become the dominant player in AI chips?
How did Nvidia become the dominan開低t player in AI chips?
- Nvidia is the world's most 他事popular maker of artifici裡樂al intelligence chips.- It has 吧樂released its latest chip,司事 which is claimed to be 窗呢nine times faster than its predecesso紙街r.- Only AMD has a chance to
As of the end of June, my country had issued a total of 66,000 integrated circuit layout design certificates.
As of the end of June, my country靜離 had issued a total of 66,000 int輛線egrated circuit layout design cer厭雜tificates.
On July 18, the State Council Informati些制on Office held a press co低金nference to introduce the situat新這ion of intellectual p化笑roperty work in the first林火 half of 2023. The r藍船eporter learned at the meeting that 動視in
Domestic substitution of automotive-grade chips is imperative. Jiang Xiaojun, co-founder of Xinli Intelligence: Artificial intelligence can make a big difference in yield improvement
Domestic substitution些對 of automotive-grade chips is impe件化rative. Jiang Xiaojun, co-f從朋ounder of Xinli Intelligence: Artifici西體al intelligence can ma司車ke a big difference i多西n yield improvement
Picture: Jiang Xiaojun, co-foun山遠der of Xinli Intelligence On J師子uly 13-14, 2023, the 3rd China Integrat輛可ed Circuit Design Innovation Confe術西rence and IC Applica爸知tion Expo (ICDIA 2023) was held at Wuxi雨志 Tai
Chip tester TwinSolution completed 160 million yuan in Series B financing and prepared for an IPO
Chip tester TwinSolution comp會學leted 160 million yuan in鐵知 Series B financing and p理計repared for an IPO
According to news on May 6, Shanghai 白看TwinSolution Electronic Techn如好ology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred t計能o as "TwinSolution Technology"), a見煙 professional semiconductor testin些有g solution provider, has r
High-end probe cards protect the quality of high-computing AI chips—Suzhou Nanofab Semiconductor Technology Seminar and New Product Launch was held in Beijing
High-end probe cards prote在視ct the quality of high-computing AI 作錯chips—Suzhou Nanofab Semi如刀conductor Technology Sem房下inar and New Product Launc光錢h was held in Beijing
With the widespread application of larg動事e AI models such as ChatGPT, the美了 global demand for chip co吧熱mputing power will increase sig鄉算nificantly, which will tri場報gger the need for high-可對energy consumption and
The synthesis laboratory of Shanghai Institute of Integrated Circuit Materials was officially opened
The synthesis laboratory o費弟f Shanghai Institute 生雜of Integrated Circuit Material門煙s was officially opened
On the morning of Febru車務ary 6, the integrated cir歌樹cuit materials synthesis laboratory章機 invested and constructed by the S公師hanghai Integrated Circuit M頻話aterials Research Institute ("Integrat員場ed Materials I
BYD is rumored to be planning to build a factory in Europe
BYD is rumored to be planning to腦飛 build a factory in Europe
According to Taiwanese media r要白eports on February 7, it 務拍was previously report工兒ed that BYD plans to build a factory in熱微 Europe and may acqui子雪re Ford Motor's factory in Germa人媽ny. However, according西花 to the l
Total investment is 3.5 billion! Aosong Semiconductor Project Settled in Science City
Total investment is 3.5 bill時錢ion! Aosong Semiconductor Project Settl林外ed in Science City
According to the official WeChat acco間議unt of Western Chongqing 海舊Science City, recently, Oso年對ng Semiconductor’s 8-inc靜愛h MEMS specialty chip IDM indu呢子strial base project has sett電站led in Western (Chongqing) Sc
Xiaomi leads investment, autonomous driving chip developer Huixi Intelligent receives hundreds of millions in financing
Xiaomi leads investment, 長樹autonomous driving chip develop下理er Huixi Intelligent receives hundr綠從eds of millions in financing
According to news on February美明 6, Huixi Intelligent rece員喝ntly announced the com購玩pletion of hundreds of million聽唱s of yuan in angel + round financi答樂ng, jointly led by Shunwei Capital錢刀 and Xiaomi Group, with
Good news | Suzhou TwinSolution was selected into the fifth batch of national-level specialized and new
Good news | Suzhou TwinSolution答關 was selected into the fifth batc務哥h of national-level specia媽在lized and new "little g電分iant" enterprises
On July 14, 2023, Su公友zhou TwinSolution passed the 小上relevant review by the Mi她員nistry of Industry and Information T為水echnology and was successf市區ully selected into the fifth batch of n木一ational-level specialized
TwinSolution launches IPO and has high technical advantages in the field of test sockets
TwinSolution launches IPO and has high 我林technical advantages in the field o讀又f test sockets
Recently, Shanghai TwinSolut老會ion Electronic Techno匠內logy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 技一referred to as "TwinSolution 物物Technology"), a professional s議看emiconductor testing solution有民 provider, has registered 窗錢with the
[Event] Suzhou Nanofab 2023 Technical Seminar was held in Shanghai
[Event] Suzhou Nanofab 2023 Tec紙愛hnical Seminar was held in Shangh媽個ai
On February 23, Suzhou Nan近又ofab Semiconductor Te的畫chnology Co., Ltd.’s 2023 te花藍chnical seminar was held in Shanghai.大家 The conference is themed們外 on the latest technological progress 事坐of the company's probe
Industry Insight
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Pre-sales / General Contact少計:CSR@twinsolution.com


After-Sales Service:FAE@twinsolutio你花n.com

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