With the widespread application of larg船草e AI models such as ChatGPT, the商西 global demand for chip comp事在uting power will incr讀林ease significantly, which will tr制也igger the need for high-en火市ergy consumption and草什 high-power chip testing. Require歌姐ments such as bandwidth, fr東匠equency and current are getting hig遠們her and higher, and tr人用aditional cantilever needles and Cobr劇時a needles can no longer meet the r場弟esulting testing requir公靜ements; at the same time船些, sealing technology has also given r暗水ise to the development of KGD and hig會要h-frequency testing, which together 報船have pushed the field of AI ch說業ip testing forward. To the為慢 high-end probe card market.
In response to this market demand玩亮, Suzhou Nanofab Semiconductor, a subs錢頻idiary of Shanghai TwinSolution Tech人個nology, launched an emergency N和男90 MEMS Cobra probe. This probe 新黑covers most of the specifica懂你tions, performance and featur店數es of the classic Cobra probe, and on山師 this basis shortens the p器謝rocess flow, improves manu算下facturing accuracy, improves火樹 high parallelism of testing, g月什reatly reduces testing costs, and吧還 effectively solves the prob信村lem of high-end chip 有日current Large, power consu音好mption, high frequency, large number的鐵 of pins and other requirements, and購見 provide high and low te服低mperature test environm開愛ent. This probe card prod明雨uct is also suitable for the la學知rge-scale manufacturing微雨 of emerging industry chips光電 such as automotive chips and logi著機stics chips, and provides ad費鐵vanced testing products and a good test爸他ing environment for mainstre民錢am chip products in China's AI chip in離村dustry such as GPU, FGPA, and ASI視鐵C.
The development of the AI chi時還p testing industry will間放 have a profound impact on the吃市 entire chip testing in東金dustry. In addition, the hig影去h-performance requirem花白ents of high-end chips in the packag吧了ing stage have also sign舊機ificantly increased equipment power 暗見consumption. Therefore, ensuring老醫 that the chip can continue t答費o operate at safe current and tempera通明ture while transmitting high-speed sign的子als has become a major challeng討事e for the quality of future chip費朋 products. to this end. TwinSolutio長司n Technology has developed a s票小econd-generation high-speed coaxi妹她al test solution based on embedded ins我紅ulators that can meet市家 the needs of larger si地術ze, higher bandwidth, hi機場gher speed and higher flexibility, e了對nabling the continuous optimization of謝短 the mass production reliability of col務計loidal coaxial structure就兒s. Reliability is furthe中船r improved. The solution is影要 now being submitted for research and 服少development patents.
Suzhou Nanofab also has decades of exp中個erience in PCB/MLO/MLC/LTCC design, S們術I/PI simulation engineers, a熱自nd is good at PCB In t銀拿he field of LoadBoard, it includes sem呢呢iconductor FT test boards, high-為時rise high-density PCB manufacturin跳科g boards, fully automatic SMT pat科刀ch panels, high-speed MEMS probe car睡喝ds and burn-in boards and other sem關些iconductor test boards, p道麗roviding customers with on舊風e-stop PCB services.
This seminar attracted the說開 participation of many users of cut外線ting-edge technology in t話和he industry. Chairman拍低 Yin Lanyong once said in an i道理nterview that Nanofab遠道's current efforts in pro熱地be technology may be 校藍just a small step in the vast wo金兒rld of probe technolo物吃gy, but it may be a big step in 讀家the development of China's pr草志obe industry. In the 拿是future, Suzhou Nanofab Semico時校nductor will graduall舞跳y explore the European, American, Sout問討heast Asian and global chip market費內s, strive for excellence in 生上chip testing technology,我音 and make unremittin煙看g efforts to bring China's 信能semiconductor technology to the worl能空d.
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