Industry News2023-05-06

Chip tester TwinSolution completed 16身上0 million yuan in Series B financing an下白d prepared for an IPO

Summary: According to news on May 6, 動兵Shanghai TwinSolution Electronic船樹 Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter ref也舞erred to as "TwinSolution Te章下chnology"), a professiona雨訊l semiconductor testing sol理慢ution provider, has r...

According to news on May 6, Shang腦吃hai TwinSolution Electronic Techno近西logy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter工月 referred to as "TwinSolution T機子echnology"), a professi線醫onal semiconductor testing sol老我ution provider, has recently completed件那 a 160 million yuan B round o劇厭f financing. Investors include Shang拍費qi Capital, a subsidia聽湖ry of SAIC, and Jun 飛區Xin Capital, Nanjing Juchen她愛g, Fudan Venture Capital.

Yin Lanyong, founder a睡日nd CEO of TwinSolution Technolo輛多gy, said that this round of fin林森ancing will mainly be used for semico坐銀nductor 2D/3D Research and麗有 development, operation managemen弟市t and improvement of sa懂個les system for MEMS probe cards and L校熱TCC ceramic test substra那師tes. TwinSolution Technology i弟老s currently undergoing a Pre-IPO rou大醫nd of financing. The company's 票窗annual sales are close to RMB員城 200 million and it is preparing 著藍for an IPO (initial public o裡風ffering).

It is reported that TwinSolution T厭村echnology TwinSolution林坐 was founded in 2007 a也要nd is headquartered in Zh音暗angjiang, Shanghai. It is 照你one of the earliest 計分providers of profess又爸ional test interface products and solut銀信ions in the domestic se公去miconductor field. It is also 風謝the most technologically adva看空nced and largest company 公線in the domestic test socket fiel紅制d. Mainly focused on IC (integrated 歌爸circuit) testing and other f些服ields, its products include AT購低E test sockets, MEMS (m子錯icroelectromechanical systems) 妹話chip probes, etc. It喝中s customers include the world's le北公ading mobile phone chip, memory藍書 chip and AI chip manufacturers, Galliu購明m Nitride (GaN) and si照聽licon carbide (SiC) wafer日不 manufacturers, etc., with more tha習司n 600 customers worldwide.

Yin Lanyong holds an EMBA degr船什ee from the Ivey Business School 坐媽in Canada. After returning工外 to China in 2002, he served as the s員但ales manager of Electrogl中信as, a wafer detector company, in Chin海微a and the general manage些近r of K&S Semiconductor Te熱體st Products Division i化樂n China. Moreover, Yin Lanyong is also科廠 a serial entrepreneur. One of his c她商ompanies was merged 現又and acquired. To the world'體購s largest semiconduc外麗tor testing company, FormFactor (得人NASDAQ: FORM). In 2014, 風問Yin Lanyong joined Tw門線inSolution Technology, and sub爸音sequently expanded global b志秒usiness to establish 輛體TwinSolution USA (TWINUSA), and investe身訊d in GeminiTech, a Korean 這哥company controlled by TwinSolu文放tion.

Up to now, TwinSolution Techno女男logy has more than 300 錯雜employees. It has two factories in 美得Suzhou that are engaged in the d大術esign and manufacturing of test probe員和s, various test socket agi算微ng sockets, MEMS probes and prob行了e cards; in Tianjin and S和內outh Korea Seoul has 到如two design and R&D cent多看ers respectively; Silicon Valley in the路器 United States and Hong Kong, China, se作國rve as TwinSolution'風線s global sales centers; B文吧eijing, Chengdu, Shenzh從商en and other regions have global民長 sales and technical support of河呢fices.

From an industry perspective, th近男e semiconductor test int化自erface (Test Intercon子技nect) includes wafer test pr黃微obe cards and test sockets T事大he total market size, including aging月白 sockets and test load boa民著rds, will be US$8 billion g村來lobally in 2021, but 飛月it can drive the US$550 billi少樹on global chip industry and is a cru員業cial link. Whether it is chip desi唱歌gn verification, wafer manufac工紙turing CP, or packag話些ing finished product FT, testin讀聽g processes are required.

The MEMS probe card desig中話ned and manufactured by TwinSolu報老tion Technology is considere筆校d the "fingertip" of the紅道 test equipment and a 刀船key tool in the chip testing pro舊書cess. It is fixed on the probe m快音achine with the wafer, and the die on t人影he wafer Contact the probes他城 one by one and test them 風店one by one. Probe card products for在司 different types of chi亮著ps such as storage, MEMS, SoC, and 和事simulation have differen件學t technologies and application湖長s. In the field of MEMS micro-na近也no technology, specia遠路lized MEMS probes can ef物家fectively solve the problem of low p討開recision and low output of trad通間itional spring probes. , short li議學fe and other problems, and器金 has a high technical threshold北術. The global market size of MEMS prob讀刀es is approximately US$3 billion.

Public data shows that China車廠 currently accounts for 13% 機著of the global probe card consumer 匠高market of US$2.7 billion化算. Among them, FormFactor of th讀舊e United States alone accou微錢nts for 30-40% of the g年計lobal probe card market. FormFa嗎做ctor's revenue in 2022 聽熱is 7.48% billion, a 間分year-on-year decrease o我姐f 2.8%. At present, the g多河lobal share of domestic probes is on店吃ly 1.1%, and the international媽作 market space for domestic probes is 到女huge.

On April 26 this year, Jingsheng Micr風吃o-Nano Semiconductor, a subsidia站朋ry of TwinSolution Technology, la頻她unched the N90 MEMS Cobra probe in B如場eijing, covering multiple如舊 advanced process nodes, which ca爸吧n shorten the proces你匠s flow, improve manufactu自但ring accuracy, and reduce test森那 costs. It is mainly used for In從間 domestic AI Chips (GPU/FGPA靜路/DPU) and advanced proc商空ess computing chips.

"N90 is completely in黑好dependently developed, designed現草, and manufactured by us, and then intr數刀oduced to the market." Yin Lanyo美刀ng said that Jingsheng Micronano wil子弟l continue to invest in the research 吧市and development of 2.5D storage 哥中test probes and 3D MEM間廠S probes.


Yin Lanyong mentioned that t月自he company's probe c冷船ard sales business is les鐵的s affected by the downward f水資actors of the chip industry, ma可歌inly because its products are targeted 好站at the advanced manufacturing (h兒工igh-end) probe card market with分個 higher profits. With the widespread在草 application of large高離 AI models such as ChatGPT, the gl水短obal demand for chip computing 那妹power has increased significan弟微tly, and the demand f科裡or chip testing has al錯聽so increased.

He described himself as a "sh南地ovel seller" in the semiconductor indus為票try.

In Yin Lanyong’s view, the白對 semiconductor industry i西鄉s still at a trough, and there筆校 may be major directional cha討喝nges in Q3 and Q4 this year. Among the 些愛specific tracks, autom微朋otive electronics is increasing, whil費輛e consumer electronics i鄉農s still sluggish, and it takes time t拿著o adjust inventory. He pointed o內行ut that generally speaking, the indu司為stry will need one to one 們樂and a half years to adjust from 2我鐵022 to the present. "It should be國銀 the last moment near dawn."雜分

The localization rate w聽離as not high in the past few y師看ears, mainly due to the small 少劇size of the domestic semicon友公ductor market. However, Yin上黑 Lanyong believes that 到拿in the past two year機吧s, with the changes in the in姐見dustrial investment environm農自ent, chip localization 線著has developed rapidly. In pa歌議rticular, the decoupling of the U花線nited States and China has ma也有de the industry realize the imp為吃ortance of semiconductor localiz從日ation and promoted the development o通東f TwinSolution business. But on明電 the other hand, the semiconduct森商or industry is a global industry, an火劇d chip decoupling will have a greater 這大impact on the supply of raw mate上學rials. Therefore, TwinSolution 爸說will use this round of financing很間 to develop and produce cerami技海c test substrates to solve 能錢product supply proble動黑ms and greatly reduce pro藍新curement costs.

He mentioned that it is impossib話些le for China to break away from the 商河global system of the semiconductor i資了ndustry chain, but in the long 月校term, technological innovation still r弟光equires China to deve船月lop its own core techno路些logy products.

"Localization cannot be solved in a 用物few days, months or one sentence. It r不購equires a process, some may be faste到近r and some may be slower. The很女 localization of chips is only a ma年上tter of time. Just like船大 steel, China There used to be no stee近吃l, but now there are C件校hinese companies all over the 輛鐵world. I think at least 90% of the 風信final products can be locali就兵zed, and the last 10% is also t的站he most difficult and will take年公 time to overcome," s些機aid Yin Lanyong.

Yin Lanyong emphasized that the 能男domestic semiconducto討件r system is transforming from globa煙為lization to "internal circulatio媽有n", which requires time, technolog拍制ical adjustments and breakth如腦roughs, and poses gr員你eat challenges. But 員南he believes that there i了司s no need for everyone to remain能議 pessimistic about the development o農我f domestic chips. The c中紅urrent moment is an 能吧important time for lay知子out before the next wav吧請e of chip boom. The localizat雪看ion of chips is the only way f著什or the long-term development of也老 the industry.

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