On the morning of Feb長紙ruary 6, the integrated circui吃能t materials synthesis laboratory明空 invested and constructed by the Shan西著ghai Integrated Circuit Ma說兵terials Research Institute ("Integrated地如 Materials Institute") in th讀答e Shanghai Chemical Industry Z森高one was officially opened. This is an但水 important step for the相算 Shanghai Electronic Chem議玩icals Zone to accelerat土鐵e the creation of an independent in城有novation platform. It is 麗男also one of the key research and d校慢evelopment test institut時行ions introduced by the Shanghai我上 International Chemical New Materi匠線als Innovation Center媽件. It has become another i舊中mportant milestone in 女她the Shanghai Chemical Ind看又ustry Zone to accelerate innovation訊志 drive and promote the integrated鄉車 development of the indust雪通rial chain and innovation ch兒相ain.
Since 2020, the Shanghai Chemical嗎厭 Industry Zone has actively ali廠從gned with national strategies 能著and the development ne河開eds of leading industries such討章 as Shanghai's integra友謝ted circuits, fully promoted裡器 the construction of the Sha小議nghai Electronic Chemicals Zone, and 制票used the cultivation of inde那吃pendent innovation platforms as 化年a link to help promote the coordinated 車那development of scientific and technolog店是ical innovation and constru又劇ction. achieved remarkable results志他.
Ma Jing, Secretary of the Party Le靜西adership Group and D行務irector of the Management Co就兒mmittee, Hou Jinhua, Depu樹資ty Director of the Management Comm錯呢ittee, Jin Jian, Gene北銀ral Manager of the Developmen子雪t Company, Yu Yuehui, Secretar市離y of the Party Committ我對ee of the Institute 內風of Microsystems, Chinese Academy 訊放of Sciences, Deputy Director of the 數服Institute of Microsystem年國s, Chinese Academy of Scienc討兒es, Chairman and Presid件訊ent of the Institute of Material Collec訊器tion Manager Yu Wenjie and others att資街ended the opening ceremony, visi林鐵ted the site and held discussions.
In response to the comm聽姐on demands of integrated circuit mate窗森rial companies in terms of 煙資performance testing and R&D信相 verification, JiCai Institute regist了技ered and established a wholly-owned s秒市ubsidiary, Shanghai J湖樹iCai Microelectronics Mater會去ials Technology Co., Lt月如d., in the Electronic 朋要Chemicals Zone in Jan空慢uary 2022, settling in Shanghai Intern一們ational Chemical Industry New M麗對aterials Innovation 窗間Center. The registered長白 capital is 30 million yuan, the to討動tal investment in the fi學業rst phase of the project 能麗is 150 million yuan, and the to讀樂tal construction area is花讀 nearly 2,100 square meters. The platfo西化rm has built a synthesis laboratory, 美麗amplification laboratory, purific錯朋ation and canning labor跳唱atory, analysis laboratory and雜高 other professional laboratories.線就 It can develop chemical syn去個thesis technology, synthesize i船土ntegrated circuit ma飛業terials with precise and controllable s商跳tructures, explore amplification proce數動sses, and prepare kilogram-scale integr作會ated circuits. Circuit materials, and d為慢evelop raw material purifica月上tion technology to prepare i著的ntegrated circuit mater黑上ials with ppb and ppt level gold im到就purity content. The analytical laborato服討ry can provide compre票討hensive and systematic integ弟化rated circuit material testi畫門ng and characterization物不 analysis, and will g美站radually establish ind黃場ustry standards for i子樹ntegrated circuit material 要低analysis, testing and opera費月ting specifications. At the same ti校拿me, the analytical laboratory ser北美vice capabilities are shared an城理d open to enterprises in th妹上e zone.
(Part of the public service capabilitie什電s of the Laboratory of Ag房村gregation Materials I相司nstitute)
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