On July 18, the State Coun她愛cil Information Office held a pr不車ess conference to introduce the 刀話situation of intellectual動習 property work in the fir小事st half of 2023. The reporter learned 業刀at the meeting that 車飛in the first half of this year, my兵歌 country authorized a報頻 total of 433,000 invention唱時 patents, 1.104 million util媽為ity model patents, and 厭服344,000 design patents. In the fi費內rst half of the year, my country issu錢雜ed a total of 4,861 integrated circuit 跳亮layout design certificates. As of the 草綠end of June this year, my country had i北微ssued a total of 66,000 厭和integrated circuit la科樹yout design certificates理白.
At the press conference,場書 Hu Wenhui, deputy director of the S他兵tate Intellectual Pro知林perty Office, introduced水區 that my country’s inte民黑llectual property work in the firs家西t half of this year ha子道s the following main feature北又s: First, domestic pate上們nts and trademarks Own慢年ership has steadily increased我那. As of the end of June thi鄉醫s year, the number of valid dome朋文stic invention patents in my country w東拿as 3.683 million, a year-on-河吃year increase of 20.4%. Among them, 吧西valid invention patents th弟匠at have been maintained for more than 1區不0 years reached 559,000, account服報ing for 15.2%, an increa計村se of 1.6 percentage points f北秒rom the same period l光月ast year. The number of valid domestic風她 registered trademarks was 42.17又西7 million, a year-on-year increase of 9相訊.4%, showing a steady growt子務h trend.
Second, the number of inno如鐵vative companies with patents is gr件服owing rapidly. As of the end 放慢of June this year, there were 385,日厭000 domestic companies with光樹 valid invention patents in m地白y country, an increase of 筆都60,000 compared with the same period 謝從last year, and a total of 2.605 mi購器llion valid inventio下服n patents, accounting fo工和r more than 70% of th書們e domestic total, an in笑動crease of 1.8 compared wi玩玩th the same period last yea著刀r. percentage point. Among t黃你hem, high-tech enterprises and "化通little giant" enterprises th話玩at specialize in new techn朋現ologies have 1.804 million 志道pieces, a year-on-year incr男藍ease of 23.3%, which is 2.9 percen妹劇tage points higher than the 睡去domestic average growth rate.
Third, the patent reserve 機醫in the field of digi黃冷tal technology has been furth醫資er strengthened. Accordin章兵g to the statistics of 35 t民們echnical fields classified by the Wo站內rld Intellectual Property Organizat刀討ion, as of the end of June this yea厭草r, the top three technical fields with工見 the highest growth rate of effec妹外tive invention paten身知ts in my country are computer techno身樂logy management methods, 技麗computer technology and basic comm唱月unication programs, with y喝房ear-on-year growth of 56.6% 音遠respectively. %, 38.2% a畫林nd 26.0%, the growth rate is much high麗們er than the domestic average o慢嗎f 20.4%, providing stro又從ng support for the innovative developm短快ent of my country's digital economy微機.
Fourth, Chinese applicants are議船 more active in applying for i商答ntellectual property廠現 rights abroad. In the first 人醫half of this year, the State I姐離ntellectual Property Office 放花accepted 33,000 PCT i費美nternational patent applic都著ations submitted by d冷靜omestic applicants, a year-on-year i友呢ncrease of 7.1%, and 3,024 Madr呢醫id trademark international re冷草gistration applications, 學訊a year-on-year incre路麗ase of 12.0%. Since joini站音ng the Hague Agreeme離玩nt in May 2022, Chinese ap商歌plicants have submit行低ted an average of more than務聽 150 international design application票費s every month, ranking am笑都ong the top in the world.
Fifth, my country’s intellectual prop船愛erty import and expo站看rt scale has maintained金輛 steady growth. From 微兵January to May this 購窗year, my country's im做什port volume of intellectual p花火roperty royalties was 120.8 bi他文llion yuan, and expor書間t volume was 36.98 billion y紅是uan. Both import and export volumes事湖 achieved growth, and intellect小校ual property trade s嗎笑howed strong resilience.
Currently, patent innova一腦tion in the core indus可區tries of my country’s di秒場gital economy is booming. S分到tatistics show that as of the end 議志of 2022, the number of val看喝id invention patents in my country's c黑唱ore industries of the digital econo從鄉my is 1.60 million, of wh答我ich 1.273 million are domest裡很ic. The overall numb年新er of domestic and foreign patents 南林in China shows an "82校近" pattern. Ge Shu, Director of th影訊e Strategic Planning Departme樹媽nt of the State Intellectual Property姐樂 Office, said that the develop電裡ment of patents in the cor藍年e industries of my country’s digita呢線l economy mainly presents費話 the following four cha公城racteristics:
First, the core of the digi書化tal economy Industrial invention paten近男ts are growing rapidly. F請雨rom 2016 to 2022, the ave可個rage annual growth rate o樂見f invention patent authoriza文匠tions in my country's core industries 畫煙of the digital economy reached 18.電湖1%, which is 1.5 tim坐書es the average annual growth rate o少車f my country's total invention術下 patent authorizations d廠校uring the same period. 紅車Among them, 335,000 藍要invention patents in cor數都e industries of the digital economy wil謝開l be authorized in 2022, a year-上朋on-year increase of 17.5%.
Second, domestic enterprises have st物長rong innovation momentum in the f呢暗ield of digital economy. As of the end舊也 of 2022, corporate ownership紙煙 accounted for 70.9% of the valid i土麗nvention patents in t舊內he core industries of the美花 domestic digital economy. Taking adva友坐ntage of domestic massive data嗎弟 and rich applicatio房花n scenarios, local inno愛那vation forces have risen, and domestic 那吧leading companies have 土花continued to emerge, be風她coming an important force in promotin影有g the development of麗裡 the digital economy.
Third, the eastern reg吧議ion has obvious advant錯服ages in innovation in the field of dig銀這ital economy. As of the車音 end of 2022, the effective number of飛請 invention patents in the紙匠 core industries of the digital eco工離nomy in the Yangtze River Delta, the 市還Guangdong-Hong Kong-Ma很人cao Greater Bay Area暗但 and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebe筆討i region accounted for 71.3% of 火黑the domestic total, s地冷howing a "three strong"林電 situation, which is v有公ery important for pr答男omoting regional economic tra房這nsformation and high-tech d歌哥evelopment. Quality development has 我劇played an active role.
Fourth, more foreign些商 companies are coming to China to carr議煙y out digital economy patent layou筆房t. As of the end of 2022,音會 95 countries (regions) 雪雜have 327,000 invention patents 西化in core industries of the digital e文報conomy in China, of w飛從hich digital product manufactur學讀ing accounts for 62.7謝明%. Foreign companies are strengthen朋有ing their patent layout in key in的商dustries such as semiconductors, co劇河mmunication system equipment, and optoe少分lectronic devices, and C開時hinese companies need to increase t老到heir technological researc校麗h efforts in related f呢生ields.
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